Monday, March 23, 2015

Famous Last Words

This week is starting out hectic, especially because its the week right after Spring Break and I have so much on my plate. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's even more stressful that I have to prepare for the MCAT that I'm taking in about two months while I have to keep up with all my classes. At the start of this semester, taking only fourteen hours I didn't think I would have too much of a load but that turned out to be completely wrong. I have been sleeping very late and for very few hours. This makes me end up sleeping long hours and waking up late on the weekends to where I have even less time to study for the MCAT—weekends being the time I keep to study for that huge test. That test is eating my soul—no joke. The stress it is causing is becoming too much, but hopefully it will be over soon!

Aside from that part of my life, I can say that this class has its good and bad moments. Sometimes it seems like a lot to do but other times its really nice because it is a lot of writing, and writing is something that is a passion of mine. When I realized that this class was mostly writing stories, I was thrilled. If I could have another chance at college, I would have writing as a profession though write now it's just a hobby and I'm totally okay with that. My favorite story I would have to say is "I See Fire." That was a story that came to my mind like a lightbulb and I wrote it so fast and I absolutely loved it too. I've found that stories that come to me in a flash like that tend to actually end up really good. And judging from all the comments, I can see others love it too for which I'm glad!

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