Summer Nightastic Fireworks at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Source: Google
My time in this kingdom lasted only a short week, but that one week was enough to land this wondrous place the number one spot on my list of favorite places. Standing amongst the throng of people, I watched the fireworks light up the black sky and everything really did become magical. I get lost in this picture just staring at the luminous castle.
What a great picture, Khadija — and Disney really is all about the beauty of imaginary things. You can use your memories of the magic of fireworks and palaces to imagine the delights of Indra's heaven, for example, or Ravana's royal city in Lanka, or the great palace in the Mahabharata that the architect of the gods, Mayasura, built for the Pandava heroes! The more you can really see these places in your mind's eye, the more the stories will come to life in the way Disney brings things to life on the screen and in the theme parks! :-)