Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 2: Indian Epics Topics

Possible Topic: The God Indra
This is a possible topic for me because when I was reading the story in Ramayana about the woman who was turned into a rock after she was seen with Indra by her husband, i was interested by how his character was so envious and lusty. What made me pursue this as a topic was when I read the part about him getting the "thousand eyes." There was something I read a long time ago that made mention of this feature, so Indra became a favorite of mine.
Research so far:
On the Wikipedia page that I found about Indra, it mentioned that Indra always carries a thunderbolt with him (which is what I assume is in his hands) and rides this elephant (as displayed in the image below). In the article, it says that he is a great leader and a great deity, however he "commits many kinds of mischief" and that's what I am more curious to learn about.

The God Indra
Source: Google

Possible Topic: Demons (Asuras)
For some reason, I assumed Asura was also a god because in the past I read something that mentioned Indra and Asura together, so I assumed they were both gods, but I may have read that wrong. Despite that, asuras stood out to me and were mentioned occasionally in Ramayana so I wanted to study on them some more.
Research so far:
On the Wikipedia page I read, it said that asuras are actually "power-seeking" deities so I was partially right by saying that asura was a deity. I continued further and found that they are kind of "nature spirits" and constantly are having battles with the "devas" or the deities. This "constant battle" is something I want to look further into.

Possible Topic: Love Story of Ahalya and Gautama
Of course, I'm a sucker for love stories so a love story most definitely had to be a possible topic for me. Out of all the pairings that I read so far, this one was one I loved the most because of the sincerity of Gautama prior to being with Ahalya towards Ahalya. Also, Indra played a part in this love story so that's why it was a winner for me. 
Research so far: 
On the Wikipedia page for Ahalya it stated that she was seduced by Indra, something we read in the Ramayana and the reason this story caught my eye. I was curious as to what was going through her mind when she realized Indra's disguise and also her years of living the life of a rock and also about her creation as the most beautiful women, which was done so by the god Brahma. 

Possible Topic: Heroes (Lakshmana) 
Lakshmana was a character I was attracted to ever since I read about his closeness to Rama and his protective instincts towards Rama as well as Sita. His strength and love for his brother are something I wanted to write about. Along with love stories, I'm also a sucker for heroes. 
Research so far:
I learned off the Wikipedia page that Lakshmana was highly skilled in archery and could "loose five hundred arrows in one shot." Wow, that's awesome. It was interesting when they mentioned his twin brother Shatrughna because though he is his twin, Lakshmana is very attached to his half-brother Rama. His "unswerving loyalty" as they said on the page, is what I want to write about. 

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